Type of job: full-time
Laboratory of Biomolecular Recognition of the Institute of Biotechnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic looks for a self-motivated postdoctoral fellow. The successful candidate has established scientific record in measurement of thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of stability and interactions of proteins and/or nucleic acids. Experience with techniques of molecular and cellular biology, mainly production and purification of recombinant proteins, is an advantage.
The fellow will work in a newly established group studying biomolecular recognition on projects with medical and biotechnological impact. More information can be obtained from Bohdan Schneider, the group leader at bohdan-at-img.cas.cz or http://www.structbio.eu/BS. We offer a highly competitive salary and provide funds for a three months research stay outside the Czech Republic.
The successful candidate has completed doctoral studies (PhD degree or equivalent) no earlier than March 28 2008 and no later than August 31, 2012. Electronic application (motivation letter and curriculum vitae) send to btu-office@img.cas.cz
The position is supported by Operational Program Education for Competitiveness from European Social Fund and the budget of the Czech Republic for period October 2012 - June 2015.
Employer: Institute of Biotechnology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Type of position: Postdoctoral
Position opens: October 1, 2012
Don't forget to mention Nature jobs when applying.
Updated: 4.4.2012
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