Authors: Terese M. Bergfors
Publishing: International University Line
Published: 1999
This book is written for biochemists, crystallographers, graduate students, lab technicians, undergraduates or anyone else working with proteins with the intention of crystallizing them. The first part introduces the beginner to the basic techniques, materials, and parameters that affect crystallization. Those readers with previous crystallization experience can turn directly to the chapter on dynamic light scattering as a diagnostic tool, or to the five chapters devoted to choosing a crystallization strategy. Interpretation of results is probably the area in which many have their greatest difficulty so 20 color plates have been included to assist in the identification of the phenomena found in crystallization drops. The second part of the book takes up more advanced methods such as crystallization for cryo-crystallography, seeding, the use of oils, microbatch methods, and special considerations for membrane proteins. Useful tips and recommendations have been collected in an A-Z section, again with an emphasis on practical problems and questions encountered at the lab bench. The appendices contain a list of good-to-have gizmos, suppliers and sources of crystallization materials, useful web sites, and a comprehensive listing of commercially available screens Laboratory exercises are included which can be used for teaching purposes in protein crystallization or crystallography courses. The chapters have been contributed by 18 scientists who are actively involved in the development of methodology for protein crystallization.