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Protein molecule isolated as neurodegenerative drug target

Date: 1.3.2006 

Researchers have isolated a protein molecule that may hold the key to learning and memory disorders that have been linked with autism. By isolating this potential drug target, new therapies for diseases in which synapses either fail or proliferate out of control could be produced. The protein, myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), turns on and off genes that control dendritic remodeling. In addition, one of the teams has identified how MEF2 switches from one program to the other, that is, from dendrite-promoting to dendrite-pruning, and the researchers have identified some of MEF2's targets. "Source":[ http://www.in-pharmatechnologist.com/news/ng.asp?n=66001-neurodegenerative-mef-autism].



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