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Protein Protocols Handbook, The Second Edition


Authors: Walker, John M. (University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Herts, UK)
Publishing: Humana Press
Published: 2002 February
This greatly enhanced second edition introduces 60 critically important new chapters dealing with topics and techniques that have emerged since the first edition, as well as significantly updating the remaining articles. The new chapters cover many rapidly developing areas, particularly the application of mass spectrometry in protein characterization, as well as the now well-established 2-D PAGE technique in proteomics. The section on glycoprotein analysis has also been significantly expanded, and methods for the production of single-chain and phage-displayed antibodies have been added to the section on antibodies. Each readily reproducible method follows the highly praised format of the Methods in Molecular Biology™ series, offering a concise summary of its basic theory, a complete materials list, a step-by-step protocol for its successful execution, and extensive notes on avoiding pitfalls and on modifying the method to function within your own experimental circumstances.



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