Home pagePress monitoringPurple tomatoes may keep cancer at bay

Purple tomatoes may keep cancer at bay

Date: 29.10.2008 

Scientists have expressed genes from snapdragon in **tomatoes** to grow purple tomatoes high in health-protecting **anthocyanins**. Anthocyanins are naturally occurring pigments found at particularly high levels in berries such as blackberry, cranberry and chokeberry. Scientists are investigating ways to **increase the levels of health-promoting compounds** in more commonly eaten fruits and vegetables. Anthocyanins offer protection against certain **cancers**, **cardiovascular disease** and **age-related degenerative diseases**. There is evidence that anthocyanins also have anti-inflammatory activity, promote visual acuity and hinder obesity and diabetes. "John Innes Centre":[ http://www.jic.ac.uk/corporate/media-and-public/current-releases/081026martin.htm] "Nature Biotechnology":[ http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nbt.1506.html]



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