Project: | Pyroelectric sensors for applications in ecology, chemistry, medicine and in warfare |
Research institute: | Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics |
Description: | |
Solvers: Novotný Jan, Šrobár Fedor , Malina Václav , Podvalová Zdislava , Zelinka Jiří, sponsor: Grant Agency of the AS, from: 2002-01-01 to: 2005-12-31 The subject of the present project is research, realization and diagnostics of a new type of materials, construction of a high-sensitivity pyroelectric detector chips and development of electronic devices for evaluation of detection properties. The main objectives of the project are: (i) Preparation of a new type of single crystals grown by catalytically controlled growth technique on the basis of combined organic/inorganic compounds for broadband detectors. (ii) Preparation of mixed-composition polycrystalline high-temperature ferroelectrics on the basis of germatates and perovskites with composition optimum for infrared detection. (iii) Development of functional detector samples designed for gas detection in ecology, chemistry and for warfare. Realization of the detectors will be effected in cooperation with the |
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