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Rain-making bacteria found around the world

Date: 8.3.2008 

The same bacteria that cause frost damage on plants can help clouds to produce rain and snow. Studies on freshly fallen snow suggest that ‘**bio-precipitation**’ might be much more common than was suspected, Journal "Nature":[ http://www.nature.com/news/2008/080228/full/news.2008.632.html] reports. Before a cloud can produce rain or snow, rain drops or ice particles must form. This requires the presence of aerosols: tiny particles that serve as the nuclei for condensation. Most such particles are of mineral origin, but airborne microbes — bacteria, fungi or tiny algae — can do the job just as well. Unlike mineral aerosols, living organisms can catalyse ice formation even at temperatures close to 0 ºC. Whole article: "http://www.nature.com":[ http://www.nature.com/news/2008/080228/full/news.2008.632.html]



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