Date: 7.5.2007
Researchers Uncover Protection Mechanism Of Radiation-resistant Bacterium - Results of a recent study titled “Protein Oxidation Implicated as the Primary Determinant of Bacterial Radioresistance,” will be published in the March 20 edition of PLoS Biology (23.3.2007)
Secret Of Worm's Poison Pill Box Protein Could Produce New Natural Insecticide - Researchers at the University of Warwick have discovered how a protein from a bacterium acts like a cunningly designed poison pill box that could now be used as a basis of a new range of natural insecticides (20.3.2007)
Researchers Discover Cell-wall Carbohydrate That Is Crucial To Anthrax Bacterium - A week after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the letters began to arrive (11.10.2006)
Structure of key enzyme in plague bacterium found - Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have solved the structure of a key enzyme from the bacterium responsible for plague, finding that it has a highly unusual configuration (24.8.2006)
Bacterium takes a shine to metals - Exposed metal surfaces are highly vulnerable to corrosion, but paint or other protective coatings can interfere with some uses, as well as add significant costs (21.6.2006)
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