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Research Revisiting the Safety of GM Weevil-Resistant Peas in Mice Contradicts Previous Findings

Date: 16.1.2013 

Researchers at the Medical University of Vienna have conducted feeding trials with mice to investigate the allergenicity of genetically modified (GM) weevil-resistant peas. Development of the peas was discontinued in 2005 when a risk assessment conducted by the CSIRO and Australian National University showed negative reactions in mice to the peas (Prescott et al 2005).

The MedUni Vienna-team investigated immune responses in mice fed several varieties of beans, non-transgenic peas and the transgenic peas, expressing the bean or the transgenic versions of the ?-amylase inhibitor. The mice showed similar levels of immune response no matter which food they consumed.


"The study is important because it illustrates the significance of repeating experiments in independent laboratories" MUV results highlight the importance of a careful case-by-case evaluation of GM crops, and the role science can play in decision-making around the introduction of GMOs into the food system.

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