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Research, that can lead to new class of antibiotics

Date: 3.11.2007 

Discovery by Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers of a **new communication factor** that enables bacteria to “talk to each other” and causes their death could have significant consequences leading to development of a **new class of antibiotic medications**. Bacteria are traditionally considered unicellular organisms. However, increasing experimental evidence indicates that bacteria seldom behave as isolated organisms. Instead, they are members of a community in which the isolated organisms communicate among themselves, thereby manifesting some multi-cellular behaviors. In an article to be published Friday (Oct. 26) in the journal Science, the Hebrew University scientists describe the new communication factor they have discovered that is produced by the intestinal bacteria Escherichia coli. **The new factor is secreted by the bacteria and serves as a communication signal between single bacterial cells**. "The Hebrew University of Jerusalem":[ http://www.huji.ac.il/cgi-bin/dovrut/dovrut_search_eng.pl?mesge119365172832688760]



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