Date: 31.3.2007
New Way To Target And Kill Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria Found - Putting bacteria on birth control could stop the spread of drug-resistant microbes, and researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have found a way to do just that (13.7.2007)
Antibiotic resistance countered - US scientists believe they may have found a way to stop the growing problem of bacteria becoming resistant to current drug treatments (11.7.2007)
How An Antibiotic Inhibits Bacterial Growth - Scientists have known that the drug linezolid -- the first new antibiotic to enter the marketplace in 30 years -- works by binding to ribosomes, the protein production factory of the cell (14.5.2007)
Simulated Populations Used To Probe Gene Mapping - More powerful computers are allowing scientists and engineers to conduct simulations that grow more realistic each year (27.3.2007)
Bacterial Walls Come Tumbling Down - The first detailed images of an elusive drug target on the outer wall of bacteria may provide scientists with enough new information to aid design of novel antibiotics (12.3.2007)
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