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Scientists create first cloned embryo from primate

Date: 21.11.2007 

Scientists said they had created the world's first cloned embryo from a monkey, in work that could spur cloning of human cells for use in medical research. #img_798#.> *Scientists said Wednesday they had created the world's first cloned embryo from a rhesus macaques, in work that could spur cloning of human cells for use in medical research.* In a paper published online by the British journal Nature, a team in the US said they had created **cloned embryos of rhesus macaques**, using the same method that famously led to Dolly the Sheep and other genetically duplicated animals. The group generated two lines of embryonic stemcells from the embryos, according to the research headed by Shoukhrat Mitalipov of the Oregon Health and Science University in Beaverton, Oregon. It is the first time that this technique has been successfully used to create **cloned** primate embryos. Source: "http://physorg.com":[ http://physorg.com/news114265703.html]



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