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Scientists hope bodies can fight cancer

Date: 14.12.2006 

In a departure from the standard chemotherapy treatments, which flood patients with toxic chemicals to kill cancer cells, doctors are trying to provoke the body's natural defences to do the same thing. Two such techniques to combat melanoma were reported in papers presented this week in Prague at a European cancer research meeting. #img_293# The strategies are the first attempts to suppress the body's T-regulatory cells, which normally keep the immune system in check. In cancer, oncologists theorize that it may be helpful for the immune system to remain active, thereby unleashing it on the cancer. "This is a fundamentally different approach to treating cancer," said Dr. Alexander Eggermont, professor of surgical oncology at the University of Rotterdam, Netherlands, the conference's chairman. Eggermont was not connected to either of the skin cancer research papers. he whole article: "www.ctv.ca":[ http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20061109/cancer_defence_061109/20061109?hub=Health]

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