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Scientists in Zimbabwe warn on biotechnology

Date: 2.3.2006 

Zimbabwe is moving towards embracing biotechnology in a development that shows a shift in government' s attitude but scientists have warned that the decision could divide the country. The country has been treading on fears of side effects of biotechnology on health and the environment with the government leading a campaign against its use. But when it rolled out a red carpet for Professor Thomas DeGregori, a visiting lecturer from the US sentiment was that it had changed its view. The Biosafety Board is also being transformed into a National Biotechnology Authority to facilitate the adoption and use of biotechnology. Scientists, however, warn that it still has to convince the public on the safety of using biotechnology. A local scientist who declined to be named said: "There is no question on the importance of using biotechnology especially when it comes to issues of food security. The problem would be convincing the end user given all the hype and controversy surrounding the subject." Biotechnology refers to the scientific process of manipulating living organisms. It covers cloning and the development of genetically modified organisms, among others. Researchers are themselves divided on the way forward given the indications that there could be transference of genes from Genetically Modified Organisms to the natural environment, threatening the existence of flora and fauna. The dean of the Faculty of Science with the National University of Science and Technology, Dr Eddie Mwenje, said results of a research on the possibility of introducing genetically modified sorghum were not favourable. "The issue was to understand whether genes could escape into the wild. We have started doing our analysis and results so far show a higher possibility of genes being transferred to the natural environment," Mwenje said but maintained that he is still in support of developing GMOs. "The impact it would have on insects and wild animals would be huge because it's changing their nutrient components." Scientists raised fears that biotechnology could compromise the immune system, increase the probability of developing new diseases and activate genes for plant toxins causing allergic reactions. The business community on the other hand is worried that exports could fall. However, other scientists said using biotechnology especially in agriculture would increase productivity and reduce famine. They also said that forbidding the use of biotechnology in Zimbabwe would mean taking DNA vaccines and insulin for diabetics off the shelves. "Biotechnology can be deployed to address fundamental challenges that include drought, pest diseases, climatic change and nutrition (quality of our diet). For example we can come up with a programme where maize can be modified to provide additional nutrients other than carbohydrates," said the Registrar of the Biosafety Board, Abisai Mafa. "Food insecurity is a reality but with biotechnology a farmer can grow more on small pieces of land and have disposable income at his table. Think of weasels and how much grain is lost at the post-harvest stage. Crops rot but if we can fish out those problem genes that can be delayed. If we produce a better quality product that means we can be more competitive on the international market and get better prices and foreign currency to import what we do not manufacture locally." But even then scientists believe that it would be hard to implement the regulatory framework. Mwenje said: "Farmers would have to be taught before biotechnology can be released. The best regulation would be to restrict the use of biotechnology to some regions but that approach has to be done cautiously because even then people can just transport GMOs to other regions without detection." "Source":[ http://www.checkbiotech.org/root/index.cfm?fuseaction=news&doc_id=12248&start=1&control=215&page_start=1&page_nr=101&pg=1].



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