Date: 20.2.2007
Biodegradable Microspheres Deliver Time Release Vaccines, Stimulate Different Immune Response - A new vaccine delivery system using microspheres of a biodegradable polymer may not only reduce the need for booster shots in some cases, but also appears to stimulate an immune response that traditional vaccines do not (6.3.2007)
Nanotubes transport gene therapy drug into T-cells known to block HIV from entering cells in vitro - A promising approach to gene therapy involves short DNA fragments (interfering RNA) that bind to specific genes and block their "translation" into the corresponding, disease-related protein (22.2.2007)
New Weapon Against Cancer: HIV Protein Enlisted To Help Kill Cancer Cells - Cancer cells are sick, but they keep growing because they don't react to internal signals urging them to die (15.2.2007)
HIV to be top health problem within 25 years - AIDS will become the world's most burdensome disease by 2030, according to predictions released today (5.12.2006)
Radioactive antibodies hunt out HIV-infected cells - For decades researchers have wondered what it would take to eliminate the immunodeficiency virus HIV from a patient's body (13.11.2006)
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