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Secret Of Worm's Poison Pill Box Protein Could Produce New Natural Insecticide

Date: 20.3.2007 

Researchers at the University of Warwick have discovered how a protein from a bacterium acts like a cunningly designed poison pill box that could now be used as a basis of a new range of natural insecticides. It had been known that nematode worms can infect and kill insect pests with the help of a bacterium which they harbour inside their intestine. The bacterium uses a protein (XptA1) a toxin which helps the nematode to kill and feed on the dead body of the insect. The toxin not only kills the target insect but prevents other predators from eating the body giving free reign to the nematode worms to consume it, multiply and move on. However, until now, researchers had little idea of the make up of XptA1 and thus how it worked. The research team, based at the University of Warwick’s horticultural research arm Warwick HRI, have now been able to reveal the shape of the protein XptA1 and discovered a number of properties that make it a particularly efficient natural insecticide and possible alternative to... Whole article: "http://www.sciencedaily.com":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/070312111311.htm]

Rare 'Gene-for-gene' Interaction Helps Bacteria Kill Their Host - Scientists have discovered that a cousin of the plague bacterium uses a single gene to out-fox insect immune defences and kill its host (7.5.2007)



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