Type of job: full-time
Senior team leader's basic salary (taxable) is expected to be approx. 30,000 - 40,000 CZK per month; Institute's remuneration rules apply (exact salary depending on candidate's experience and research performance). Additional salary supplements may be covered by external funding.
Selection criteria:
Two-stage application procedure:
Stage 1: Submission of the following documents to fgu@biomed.cas.cz by 19 September 2013: (i) professional CV, (ii) list of up to 8 most important publications with a brief outline of their scientific importance (up to 2 pages A4), (iii) current research funding relevant to the research team, the possibility to transfer it to Institute of Physiology (external candidates only), and a list of submitted and anticipated grant applications, (iv) Names and e-mail addresses of at least two academic referees.
Stage 2: Short-listed candidates will be invited to submit full proposals (up to 15 pages A4) and deliver a public lecture as part of their interview at the Institute of Physiology. Final results will be announced by 30 November 2013. Successful candidate will be expected to take up his/her position on 1 January 2014. Full details governing this call can be found at http://www.biomed.cas.cz/fgu/cz/aktuality/call_senior_team_leader_inst_physiol_2013b.pdf
Additional Job Details:
Updated: 26.8.2013
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