Date: 2.3.2007
Blood made suitable for all - Scientists have discovered enzymes that can efficiently convert blood groups A, B and AB into the 'universal' O group — which can be given to anyone but is always in short supply (3.4.2007)
Smart Thin Film Membranes Adopt Properties Of Guest Molecules - Virginia Tech researchers announced last year that they had created a nanostructured membrane that incorporates DNA base pairs in order to impart molecular recognition and binding ability to the synthetic material (2.4.2007)
Biologists Learn Structure Of Enzyme Needed To Power 'Molecular Motor' - Researchers at Purdue University and The Catholic University of America have discovered the structure of an enzyme essential for the operation of "molecular motors" that package DNA into the head segment of some viruses during their assembly (27.3.2007)
All Types of Carbon Nanotubes Penetrate Wide Variety of Cell Membranes - Over the past two years, researchers have demonstrated repeatedly that certain types of carbon nanotubes are among the most effective materials known for transporting proteins, genes, and drug molecules across the cell membrane (27.2.2007)
50 atoms thick membrane sorts individual molecules - A newly designed porous membrane, so thin it's invisible edge-on, may revolutionize the way doctors and scientists manipulate objects as small as a molecule (18.2.2007)
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