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'Super' enzyme may lead way to better tumor vaccines

Date: 19.12.2006 

A "super" form of the enzyme Akt1 could provide the key to boosting the effect of tumor vaccines by extending the lives of dendritic cells, the immune-system master switches that promote the response of T-cells, which attack tumors, said researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in a report that appears in the "advance online publication" section of the current issue of the journal Nature Biotechnology. "By keeping the dendritic cells alive longer, you extend the window of activation, promoting the desirable immune response, which in the case of cancer, is the expansion of T-cells," said Dr. David Spencer, associate professor of immunology at BCM. "The longer your dendritic cells are alive and active, the more likely you are to expand the appropriate T-helper repertoire and ultimately the desirable cytotoxic (cell killing) T-lymphocytes."... "www.bcm.edu":[ http://www.bcm.edu/news/item.cfm?newsID=770] "Nature Biotechlogy - full text":[ http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nbt1262.html]

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