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Susceptibility To Crohn's Disease -- An Important New Clue

Date: 22.4.2007 

Crohn's disease is a chronic relapsing inflammatory disorder of the intestinal tract that affects an estimated 0.15% of people in the developed world. Common symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhea, but the disorder is often associated with debilitating clinical complications. Researchers from the University of Liège, Belgium, have now uncovered an important clue to the susceptibility of individuals to this disease. In a genome-wide association study with more than 300,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) -- DNA sequence variations occurring when a single nucleotide in the genome differs between members of a species -- Cécile Libioulle et al. identified a new susceptibility locus for Crohn's disease. Their results are published online in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics... Whole article on "ScienceDaily":[ www.sciencedaily.com]

Genetic link to Crohn's disease found - Canadian scientists have identified seven genes or areas associated with an increased risk of contracting Crohn's disease (17.4.2007)



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