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The evaluation and prevention of environmental and ecological risks related to introduction of genetically modified crops in the Czech Republic

Date: 8.2.2007 

The project deals with the evaluation of environmental and ecological risks and benefits related to the introduction of genetically modified crops under conditions of the Czech Republic. Research is oriented on the problematic of hybridisation ant its consequences inside the crop-wild-weed complex, study of biotic and abiotic factors influencing transgene persistence in environment, influence of technological practices using GM crops onto the non-target organisms, and changes of weed species composition of agrophytocenoses. Research will be oriented towards the specific problems in the Czech Republic and obtained results together with literature review will be used for the creation of methods for praxis, where principles of good agricultural ractices for GM crops growing will be formulated with regard of safe co-existence with other farming systems. "www.muni.cz":[ http://www.muni.cz/sci/research/projects/2262?lang=en]

Palm oil doesn't have to be bad for the environment - As traditionally practiced in southeast Asia, oil palm cultivation is responsible for widespread deforestation that reduces biodiversity, degrades important ecological services, worsens climate change, and traps workers in inequitable conditions sometimes analogous to slavery (10.4.2007)

Modified crops help reduce greenhouse gases - In 2005, the impact in reduced carbon dioxide emissions was the equivalent of removing nearly 4 million average family cars from the road, said the study by Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot of PG Economics Ltd (11.3.2007)

Peas fight pig infections - A field trial with genetically modified peas is planned in Gatersleben, Germany (19.2.2007)

Genetic modification a tool for making vegetables and fruit healthier - It is possible to improve the antioxidant action of tomatoes by a directed change in the production of flavonoids by means of genetic modification (9.2.2007)

Academic and Science Community Applauds WTO GMO Ruling - "This decision affects not only Argentina, Canada and the United States, who prevailed in this complaint, but the future of agricultural biotechnology for all countries," said Professor C (8.2.2007)



  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
