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The FUT1 and ESR genes--their variability and associations with reproduction in Prestice Black-Pied sows.

Date: 16.3.2006 

The determination of genetic variability by means of molecular genetic markers FUT1 and ESR2, and the evaluation of their associations with reproduction traits in population of Prestice Black-Pied sows have been implemented. A lower frequency of the allele FUT1A than the frequency of the allele FUT1G in the FUT1 gene was ascertained. In the ESR2 polymorphism, a higher frequency of the allele ESR2A compared with the allele ESR2B was determined. In the second to sixth litters as well as in the first to sixth litters, a significantly lower number of piglets born alive and number of weaned piglets from sows of the FUT1/IFUT1A genotype was found. Moreover, the homozygotes FUT1G /FUT1G significantly exceeded sows of the FUT1A/FUT1A genotype in the total number of born piglets in the first to sixth litters. No significant effect of the ESR2 polymorphism on reproduction was observed. "Source".[ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16130473&query_hl=3&itool=pubmed_DocSum].



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