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The Future of Food and Medicine

Date: 4.5.2006 

As a mother and a consumer, I want to know that the food I eat and prepare for my family is safe and nutritious. I also want to know that technological advances are occurring to keep the food safe and that those same technological advances include research to protect my family against disease and find cures for existing diseases. I have spent many hours educating myself on the pros and cons of biotechnology and genetically modified foods. I have read numerous articles, searched the internet, listened to renowned experts on the subject, and talked to friends and family regarding biotechnology which is the refinement of conventional breeding of plants and animals to achieve desired, beneficial traits. I have also tried desperately to understand what, in my opinion, are the misguided and unjustified fears of those vehemently opposed to biotechnology. My conclusion is that rather than having opposition based on reality or fact, that those opposed, or posing as the opposition, truly just dislike the United States' government (which ironically allows them to freely have an opposing view), successful multi-national corporations, and anything that flies in the face of their organic dogma which really has very little to do with organic farming. "Source":[ : http://www.agbioworld.org/biotech-info/articles/biotech-art/hammerstrom.html].

Resistance to New Foods Has Been the Norm - That some people would question the safety of novel foods — like food developed using biotechnology — is nothing new (12.2.2007)



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