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The multi-tasking reovirus

Date: 11.2.2007 

In the past couple of years, researchers at Oncolytics Biotech have been developing a harmless virus as a potent cancer killer, but they have also been accumulating data that suggests in addition to directly killing tumor cells, the reovirus may prime the immune system to mount a separate, powerful and long lasting defence against cancer. Evidence for this theory has been mounting for the past year. On January 10, 2007, Dr. Sheila Fraser of St. James's University Hospital in Leeds, U.K. delivered a paper at the Society of Academic & Research Surgery Conference in Cambridge, U.K., in which she described a test tube experiment further supporting this claim. Fraser's presentation, titled "Reovirus as a Potentially Immunogenic as well as Cytotoxic Therapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer," reported how cells taken from a colorectal cancer liver metastases were more susceptible to death many weeks after treatment with reovirus, and long after the virus had cleared the patient's system. These cells, when cultured in the laboratory, also appeared to be vulnerable to re-infection with reovirus. Moreover, Dr. Fraser noted that dendritic cells, which prime the immune system against cancer, were activated by exposure to the reovirus.... Whole article: "www.physorg.com":[ http://www.physorg.com/news90153839.html]

Cheap molecule may attack tumors - A cheaply-produced molecule may be the key to treating a variety of cancers, claim Canadian researchers (23.4.2007)

Genes Associated With Adverse Reactions To Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment Identified - Medical scientists at the University of Leicester have announced a potentially unique advance in breast cancer research by identifying two genes associated with adverse reaction to cancer treatment (21.4.2007)

Biologists Learn Structure Of Enzyme Needed To Power 'Molecular Motor' - Researchers at Purdue University and The Catholic University of America have discovered the structure of an enzyme essential for the operation of "molecular motors" that package DNA into the head segment of some viruses during their assembly (27.3.2007)

MicroRNA Helps Prevent Tumors - MicroRNAs are tiny snippets of RNA that can repress activity of a gene by targeting the gene's messenger RNA (which copies DNA information and starts the process of protein production) (28.2.2007)

Canine parvovirus-like particles, a novel nanomaterial for tumor targeting - Specific targeting of tumor cells is an important goal for the design of nanotherapeutics for the treatment of cancer (13.2.2007)



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