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U.S. physicians award Czech scientists' patent

Date: 27.8.2009 

The Czech scientists' **patented** wounds healing ointment **Hemagel** has been **recommended** by the prestigious American Podiatric Medical Association (**APMA**), Frantisek Rypacek, director of the Czech Science Academy Macromolecular Chemistry, announced in a press release today. The APMA-recommended ointment goes to the U.S. market that spends more than seven billion dollars on healing chronic wounds annually. Hemagel is used in the treatment of **acute wounds** such as burns, herpes and lacerations as well as **chronic wounds**. "ČeskéNoviny.cz":[ http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/veda_a_technika/zpravy/av-patent-ceskych-vedcu-ziskal-oceneni-americkych-lekaru/394502?id=394523]



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