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Wheat Gene With Resistance To Stripe Rust Discovered

Date: 16.3.2009 

An international team of researchers that includes an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) expert on **wheat biotechnology** has discovered a gene that will make bread wheat capable of resisting stripe rust, a **fungus** that causes crop losses in many states. Scientists transferred a resistant gene, known as **Yr36**, from a race of wild wheat into a handful of domesticated pasta and bread wheat varieties. The wild wheat was collected in Israel, a part of the Fertile Crescent where ancient varieties of wheat have grown for centuries, according to Ann Blechl, a geneticist at the ARS Western Regional Research Center in Albany, Calif. More "ars.usda.gov":[ http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2009/090219.2.htm]



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