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Why cancer cells just won’t die

Date: 16.12.2009 

When cells experience **DNA** damage, they’ll try to repair it. But if that fails, the damaged cells are supposed to self-destruct, a process called **apoptosis**. A cancer researcher at Robarts Research Institute at The University of Western Ontario has identified a protein that regulates apoptosis, a new discovery which has implications for both the diagnosis and treatment of **cancer**. Caroline Schild-Poulter’s findings are now published online in the journal Molecular Cancer Research. “The protein we’ve identified, **RanBPM**, is directly involved in activating apoptosis,” explains Schild-Poulter who is also an assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Western’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. More on "University of Western Ontario":[ http://communications.uwo.ca/com/media_newsroom/media_newsroom_stories/why_cancer_cells_just_won%E2%80%99t_die_20091209445429/]



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