Home pagePress monitoringWhy the Biomedical Crisis Really Isn't

Why the Biomedical Crisis Really Isn't

Date: 2.4.2007 

The nation's biomedical research enterprise is in a serious crisis, says a new report from America's top universities. Because of shortfalls in funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), only 20% of the projects submitted for funding are being supported. Researchers are spending more time writing grants than doing science. Brilliant young investigators are leaving science in frustration. And the historic U.S. lead in biotech is threatened, said Dr. Edward Miller, chief executive officer of Johns Hopkins Medicine and dean of the university's School of Medicine, at a Mar. 19 Senate briefing on the new report. "It is a disaster," he says. The problem—and the pain—are real. "Very, very productive scientists are doing no research. They are spending all of their time trying to get their labs funded again," says Dr. Robert Siliciano, professor at Hopkins' School of Medicine. .... Whole article: "www.businessweek.com":[ http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/content/mar2007/db20070320_180775.htm?chan=technology_technology+index+page_science]

Top medical research into human genomes to be carried out in Brno - Czech experts have a rare opportunity to participate in a leading project in medical genomics, which will help many Czech people suffering from, or in risk of, coronary or oncology diseases (27.9.2006)



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