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Will biofuels cut our dependence on fossil fuels?

Date: 22.11.2005 

Future demand for food, feed, fibres and fuels may well be secured via renewable resources and new biological processes, said a conference on the EU's development towards becoming a bio-economy. A bio-based economy is one that relies on renewable resources and new biological processes in its manufacturing base. "Such a bio-economy will assist rural development and sustainability, ensure the long-term competitiveness of the European agriculture, food and chemical industries, and reduce climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions," said Science and Research Commissioner Janez Potočnik in the 'Knowledge-based bio-economy conference' on 15 September 2005. Bio-pesticides and mycoherbicides are used to protect crop, food additives and supplements (vitamins, sweeteners) colours and flavours (beta-carotene), bio-plastic or polyester made from cornstarch, majority of antibiotics, bio-fuels (bio-ethanol, bio-dieses, bio-gas) - the list and field of already existing bio-resources is long. However, "the current lack of harmonisation of legislation on biotechnologies presents a barrier for innovation", said the UK Minister of State for Industry and the Regions Alun Michael. "Maintaining public confidence in biotechnologies" is also essential, he added. The industry-led European technology platforms such as 'Plants for the Future', 'Industrial biotechnology' and 'Food for Life' play a key role in Europe's drive towards becoming a bio-economy. They aim to produce and use biological resources in a "sustainable, eco-efficient and competitive manner". For more information please click "here":[ http://www.euractiv.com/Article?tcmuri=tcm:29-144305-16&type=News].

The Long-Run Impact of Corn-Based Ethanol on the Grain, Oilseed, and Livestock Sectors with Implications for Biotech Crops - The ongoing growth of corn–based ethanol production raises some fundamental questions about what impact continued growth will have on US and world agriculture (22.5.2007)

UN warns on impacts of biofuels - A UN report warns that a hasty switch to biofuels could have major impacts on livelihoods and the environment (10.5.2007)

New variety of corn makes ethanol production for cars more cost effective - Michigan State University researchers claim to have developed a new variety of corn that promises to make ethanol production for running cars, more cost-effective and efficient (9.5.2007)

New generation biofuels coming soon - The credentials of biofuels might have been dented by claims that current production methods are inefficient, lead to deforestation and drive up food prices, but a German firm hopes to change all this with new technology (24.4.2007)

A new biofuel: propane - While much of the attention on biofuels has focused on ethanol, the process developed by the MIT researchers produces propane, says Andrew Peterson, one of the graduate students who demonstrated the reactions (20.4.2007)



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