Home pageBiotechnology Journals

Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolism


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The journal is focused on the problems of clinical biochemistry, pathophysiology, pathobiochemistry, nutritional support and nuclear medicine. It contains reviews, original papers, case-histories and methodical studies. An integral part of the journal are excerpts of interesting papers published abroad. This quarterly serves medical doctors and other professionals in the health services who are interested in the mentioned disciplines. It pursues all positive traditional features of the predecessing journal, Biochemia Clinica Bohemoslovaca.

Source: http://journalseek.net/cgi-bin/journalseek/journalsearch.cgi?field=issn&query=1210-7921
ISSN: 1210-7921
Publisher: Czech Medical Association of J. Ev. Purkyne
Published: 1998-
Updated: 8.12.2012


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