The Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry publishes research results dealing with the chemistry and biochemistry of agriculture and food. The topics included are on Food Chemistry, Environmental Science and Agronomy, and Agricultural Chemistry. Articles and reviews on Food Chemistry are related to the chemical analysis of food, chemical additives and toxins, chemistry relating to the microbiological, sensory, nutritional and physiological aspects of food, structural changes in molecules during the processing and storage of foods, direct effects on foods by the use of agrochemicals, food engineering, food technology, food biotechnology. Contributions on Environmental and Agronomic Science include subjects such as research in crop production, harvesting, and storage, crop protection, tillage, fertilizers and fertilization techniques, influence of agricultural production methods on the environment, including soil, water and air quality, fate of agrochemicals in the environment and eco-toxicology, agro-landscape values and changes, landscape indicators and sustainable land use, farming system changes and dynamics, integrated pest management and crop protection. The Agricultural Chemistry topics deal with chemical and biochemical composition of agricultural products and the effects of processing on the composition and safety of products from agriculture, including food, wood and other biobased materials, byproducts, and wastes, chemistry of pesticides, plant growth regulators, fertilizers, and other agrochemicals, together with their metabolism, toxicology, ecotoxicology and environmental fate, chemical processes involved in plant nutrition, phytonutrients, flavors and aromas, soil science and biotechnology, animal nutrition and drugs used in animal health.
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