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Biological Chemistry


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Comprehensive Scope Biological Chemistry keeps you up-to-date with all new developments in the molecular life sciences. Areas covered include: general biochemistry, pathobiochemistry, evolutionary biotechnology, structural biology, molecular and cellular biology, molecular medicine, cancer research, virology, immunology, plant molecular biology and biochemistry, and experimental methodologies. Reviews and Minireviews In addition to original research reports, authoritative reviews written by leading researchers in the field keep you informed about the latest advances in the molecular life sciences. Rapid Publication Rapid, yet rigorous reviewing ensures fast access to recent research results of exceptional significance in the biological sciences. Papers are published, on the average, within five months of submission.

Source: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/bchm.2012.393.issue-12/issue-files/bchm.2012.393.issue-12.xml
ISSN: 1437-4315
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Published: 1999-
Updated: 9.12.2012


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