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Nanofibers are defined as fibers with diameters less than 1µm = 1000 nanometers (nm) made of polymers. Nanofibers are known as materials of the third millennium to bring a revolution in medicine, electronics, automotive industry, as well as in filtration, environmental protection, nanocomposites, energy and IT, protective equipment and barriers.

The most common method of polymer manufacturing is the electrostatic spinning. The polymer droplets are passing through an electric field with a voltage of 50 kV to form capillaries. Ready nanofibers with diameters below 500 nm are deposited at random collector, which moves across the electrode surface. So far, three methods of electrostatic spinning are known: of jets, the rod and roll out.


Elektrostatic spinning.

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  • BC AV CR
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  • CAVD
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  • Eco Tend
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  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
