Study programmes provided at the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology (FFBT) are embraced both on the traditional fields of food science and on the current trends in the development of food and biochemical sciences. The traditional fields such as brewing, sugar manufacture, fermentation and agrochemistry were taught at the Prague Polytechnic as early as the beginning of the last century. Since the formation of the independent Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague in 1952, the Faculty has grown into an institution with a broad background of chemical, biochemical, engineering and other disciplines which testify to the purposefulness of such a strong chemical-technological complex and the FFBT as its inseparable part even on the international scale. The Faculty ranks among leading university centres of food science. In the course of its existence, the Faculty has turned out thousands of graduates who pursue their careers primarily in the food industry and related fields, in scientific research, and at schools and institutions of higher learning both in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Member of the Association of Universities of the Third Age, contact: Ing. Jitka Caudrová,
Technická 3
166 28 Praha 6 - Dejvice
Tel: +420233335215
Fax: +420233339990
Přehled kateder vyučujících studijní obory uplatnitelné v biotechnologiích
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