The Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences focuses its teaching and research programs on the study of ecology, nature conservation, landscape protection, land-use management, and restoration activities. In addition to conducting scientific research funded by national and governmental grant agencies, the faculty members provide expert’s opinions in a variety of projects in the field of nature conservation and environmental protection (environmental impact assessments, biological assessments, expert’s opinions for the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture).
The Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences has developed partnerships with a wide range of subjects (universities, research institutes, professional organizations) both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The faculty members participate in advisory committees of National Parks and Protected Landscape Areas, in scientific and editorial boards, in expert’s committees, and in a variety of national and international professional associations (e.g., Centre International du Myriapology, Czech Limnological Society, Czech Society of Soil Science, Czech Regional Organization of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (CZ-IALE), Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology, Czech Entomological Society, International Union of Soil Sciences, International Society of Organic Agriculture Research, Czech Zoological Society). The Department is a collective member of Europarc Federation and Czech Ecological Society. The faculty members also teach at other partner’s institutions (University of south Bohemia in České Budějovice, Masaryk University in Brno, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, University of Ostrava, Charles University in Prague, etc.)
Research activities of our faculty members are concentrated into several thematic domains:
Study Programs
Our Department offers one undergraduate program in Ecology & Environmental Science and several subsequent graduate programs in Ecology & Environmental Science, Landscape Protection & Development, and Nature Conservation. The Department also guarantees curriculums for teaching majors of Biology in Environmental Protection and participates in lecturing for Systematic Biology & Ecology and other majors. In addition to regular faculty members, a wide range of experts from other universities, scientific institutions, and professional organizations collaborates in teaching and lecturing students. Mandatory and selective field exercises, field trips and student projects are important components of student‘s curriculum. During their studies, students have the opportunity to participate in various exchange programs in foreign countries.
Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences guarantees the doctoral study program (Ph.D.) in Ecology & Environmental Science – Ecology major.
Jobs after Graduation
government administrations, Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the CR, Protected Landscape Areas and National Parks Administrations, science and research (academic institutions, museums, universities), private environmental companies (ecological assessments, planning, consulting, restoration activities, tourism), curricular and extra-curricular education (primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, environmental education centers, centers for children and youth)
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Datum aktualizace: 4.3.2012
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