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Found records: 311 (63 sites)
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Showing records: 1st - 5th
The Institute (ISB) originated from the Laboratory of Soil Biology, which has op...
(Updated: 2009-03-26 15:28:12)
The Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry has been established to s...
(Updated: 2008-11-14 10:53:15)
The primary ambition of this new institute is to develop cutting-edge basic and ...
(Updated: 2008-06-02 09:43:08)
The department is engaged in the research of metabolic controls in microorganism...
(Updated: 2008-05-27 14:48:22)
LMP was founded for the study of molecular mechanisms of cancerogenesis and the ...
(Updated: 2008-05-24 15:37:03)
A limited number of records is available to an unregistered user. In order to get a full access to Gate2Biotech, please register here.
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