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Showing records: 1st - 6th
The journal publishes original contributions in the field of plant ecology an...
(Updated: 2006-04-10 19:52:01)
* A multi-disciplinar international journal focusing on diseases and pests of...
(Updated: 2006-04-09 19:21:54)
Virology has progressed to a phase in which it is dominated by studies on vir...
(Updated: 2006-04-03 09:52:36)
Gesunde Pflanzen publiziert praxisbezogene Beiträge zum Pflanzenschutz in La...
(Updated: 2006-04-03 09:30:22)
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research is a highly cited and prestigious...
(Updated: 2006-03-31 20:56:28)
In its 53rd year of publication, the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemist...
(Updated: 2005-09-06 09:15:27)
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Biotechnology events no 8 - Page 8 of our database of biotechnology events
Engineered plants produce human milk sugars that could lead to healthier baby formula
Antioxidant carbon dot nanozymes alleviate depression in rats by restoring the gut microbiome