With more than 15,000 students, the Brno University of Technology is one of the largest universities in the Czech Republic. The University has made numerous contacts with universities and other institutions around Europe, United States, Poland, Russia, etc. The Brno University of Technology has supported internationalization of studies through ECTS, participated in EU projects such as Tempus, Leonardo, Socrates/Erasmus, CEEPUS, Aktion, DAAD partnership , studies for two degrees and the Euro-engineer degree, organizing lectures of visiting professors, providing courses for foreign students in English, and organization of international conferences. The Brno University of Technology has paid great attention to the establishment and equipment of libraries and computing centres. They are all open to students and staff in the university centre, at faculties and at dormitories. Member of the Association of Universities of the Third Age, contact: Prof. Ing. Petr Vavřín, DrSc., vavrin@ro.vutbr.cz
Brno University of Technology
Antonínská 548/1, 601 90 BrnoNázev fakulty | Logo | Počty studijních programů v různých stupních studia | ||
bakalářské | magisterské | doktorské | ||
Faculty of Chemistry | - | - | - | |
Faculty of Information Technology | - | - | - | |
Lifelong Education | - | - | - |
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